2023 Impact Report

Praise God and Happy New Year 2024!!

“ I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” Philippians 1:3

Our beloved partners and friends, your partnership with Divine Care Ministries and your obedience to God has always been our anchor; your sharing has touched many vulnerable children, their families, and their communities with sustainability in such hard economic times. Your prosperity and wellness have always been our wellness. All our prayers are to you and your families always. We are so grateful to God and appreciate, you, our friends, and our partners for all you contributed to in 2023. Through the power of Jesus’ love, there has been incredible transformation towards individuals, families, and communities throughout our nation.

2,533 children were supported in school at various levels, 3 students graduated from universities and colleges making them ready to become leaders in our nation and come 2024 there will be 12 more graduating having completed their courses. 17 children got sponsors and we thank God so much and also appreciate Joanna, Dr. Rick and others who have played a part in mobilizing for more sponsors. Throughout the year, we carried out 7 major evangelistic missions that yielded a total number of 6,588 lives to Christ out of the 14,073 people who were reached with the Gospel. The ministry completed the year 2023 with 126 staff and out of these members we celebrated 3 church weddings and 9 newborn babies to the glory of God.

As we reflect on these successes, we are reminded once again that we could have never done this alone. It has only been achieved with the meaningful partnership of our friends from all over the world. That’s why we’re excited to be able to present you with these highlights from the villages and centers where we operate where thousands of lives have been transformed, all for the glory of God. As you read this report, we pray that you will be inspired and encouraged as you see the transformation taking place in Uganda. Together, we make a difference!

-Executive Director Phoebe Sozi & The DCM Team